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’” Jobs recalled the incident vividly because it was his first realization that his father did not know everything.Ugg Products” The result was that the Macintosh team came to share Jobs’s passion for making a great product, not just a profitable one. After he and Paul Allen had completed their BASIC interpreter for the Altair, Gates was appalled that members of the Homebrew were making copies of it and sharing it without paying him. “As I’m climbing the stairs, I told his assistant I am going to take a knife and stab it into his heart,” she recounted. Among its visionaries was the scientist Alan Kay, who had two great maxims that Jobs embraced: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” and “People who are serious about software should make their own hardware. [ugg boot for men] One night Jobs slept under the table in the kitchen and was amused to notice that people kept coming in and stealing each other’s food from the refrigerator.

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